Most companies look at content competition in the wrong way. In the content world, competition is more like partnership. In the new world, the rising tide lifts all boats. Time to change our approach to competitors.
All content entrepreneurs need to start with an MVA, a minimum viable audience, before they launch products or diversify. Here's how to get started.
I sit down with Brian Clark, one of the OGs of content marketing and content entrepreneurship, on how he started and grew his business into millions.
A group is generally greater than the one. Here's an amazing example of multiple creators banding together to develop something amazing, sending their subscriber numbers skyrocketing. And guess what? The big players won't do it. But you will.
Creator programs from Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are courting themselves to journalists and independent content creators. It's very seductive. Don't be fooled.
Matthew Patrick went from zero to 12 million YouTube subscribers with a sweet spot now worth millions.
River Pools went from almost closing their doors to becoming the world leader in fiberglass pools. They did it by answering customer questions.
Queen grew one of the largest audiences in history and then kept it for 30 years. Here's how.
Andy Schneider has created one of the most amazing Content Inc. examples in the world...all around chickens.
Content Inc. with Joe Pulizzi
Content Inc. with Joe Pulizzi