I talk about the five business-related books that have had the most impact on my career and life. Think & Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey Stranger in a...
A very special episode courtesy of my friend Michelle Raymond. In this episode, Michelle and I talk about what makes a content entrepreneur successful, the importance of patience, and selling strategies to help a content entrepreneur both survive and...
What does it mean to be a full-time content creator? Is that a thing? If it is, it's probably something we don't want...because if we are a full-time creator, we can't be a content entrepreneur. and use code TOM100 to save $100. Today's episode is...
AI is slowly taking over as the search engine of choice for more and more professionals. Are you ready for this? Most are not. The next 12 months are critical to make sure your story is told. and use code TOM100 to save $100. Today's episode is...
Lexi Grant brings up a very tough topic: is it more difficult today to become a successful content creator? I think she's right and it is. But maybe there are things we can do now so we don't fall into the failure trap. . and use code TOM100 to save...
A special (longer) episode dedicated to how an author (or content creator) can build a successful content business with a book at the core. In this episode, Joe covers: Finding your sweet spot Tuning into your content tilt Building your base Growing...
An important piece of advice from David Bowie gets us talking about if we are really taking enough risks and getting uncomfortable enough with our content to be successful. Today's episode is brought to you by Memberful. Whether your passion is...
How did Billy Joel, one of the greatest songwriters in history, come to hate the process of writing? It happens to all of us. But what he did to start loving the process again will surprise you...and it's something that all content creators and...
I had to make one key decision in the early days of my content creator model in order to succeed. It was extremely difficult to make, but that decision led to all my success. Unfortunately, most content creators won't make this change, and that is why...
Here's a bonus episode that runs through (in a way) the eight best decisions I've ever made. These include: Set Goals. Create Habits. Get a Roth IRA Get a 529 Account Call Your Boss Hire a Scheduling Manager Spend Time with Your Kids Separately...
The incredible music executive Rick Rubin says that those who create art should NOT be creating that art for an audience. Art should be created only to satisfy the needs of the creator...and that's what will be best for an audience. This is...
Here's a personal story about a day in the life of my content-creator journey. Everything changed that day. It was challenging, but I don't regret it. Hopefully this story will help you in your journey as well. ------- Like this episode? SUBSCRIBE...
An extended podcast covering six key ways you can take your content business to the next level. These include: Rethinking your exit strategy Taking your content tilt seriously Are you a creator or a media business? The focus on email Your base plus...
If you had just one year to live, how would you change your content creation business? This episode could change your life and career. I hope it does. Links: ------- Like this episode? SUBSCRIBE on , or . See all Content Inc episodes at the . ...
A special episode of Content Inc.! I'm bringing in my content marketing colleague Robert Rose to discuss our content, marketing and media predictions for 2024. ------ This episode is sponsored by Lulu.comBooks are among the top 3 most profitable and...
Let's make 2024 truly incredible (for you and for others) by doing these nine critical activities. 1. Decide On Your Goals I’ve talked many times on this podcast about . It works. It also gets your priorities straight and helps you FOCUS. 2....
Do you know why you are doing all the things you are doing? Most content entrepreneurs don't. Take a few minutes and do this quick exercise. It will change your stars. ------ This episode is sponsored by Lulu.comBooks are among the top 3 most...
Are you in a content slump? If so, perhaps taking a hard look at these four questions will make the difference. What is your content's purpose? Who is your specific audience? Are you taking your headlines seriously? Is there money to support your...
Here's everything you need to know about what happened at OpenAI in less than five minutes. ------ This episode is sponsored by Lulu.comBooks are among the top 3 most profitable and most utilized tactics to monetize content.Turning your content into a...
Sometimes we get into a rut as content entrepreneurs, using the same old ways to monetize content over and over again. Maybe there is a better way. In this episode I give a few examples of unique ways to fund your content business. ------ This episode...
The biggest problem right now with new content launches is differentiation (or lack of it). The majority of new (and ongoing) content projects simply aren't different enough to break through all the clutter. Today we talk about two things you can do...
Last week I listened to a best-selling author give a masterclass on writing and content productivity tips. In this episode I go through the ones that impacted me the most. Show links: This episode is sponsored by Lulu.comBooks are among the top 3...
Sometimes, the name you chose for your content brand just doesn't work. Maybe it did at one point...but now you know the truth...it just doesn't fit. It's holding you back. It's time to make a change. Here's my story about making two big name changes....
I just refreshed my entire website and made five important changes. Here they are! One, make it personal. Have the copy come from you, not the third person. Two, lean in to what makes you, well, you. Your differences are a positive. Accentuate that....